Temperature Control
Heat Trace supply a range of stand alone and panel mounted, mechanical and electronic, temperature control and monitoring systems, for both safe and hazardous area use. Available temperature controls range from simple ON/OFF mechanical, or digital, thermostats to full electronic/digital control and monitoring systems that can link directly with process plant DCS & SCADA systems.
AT-A Air Sensing Thermostat:
The AT-A is a simple air sensing ON/OFF capillary thermostat, with an adjustable range of 0-40ºC.
AT-F AIRSTAT Digital Thermostat
The AT-F AIRSTAT is a DIN rail mounted, digital, ON/OFF air sensing thermostat for freeze protection duties. The pre-set fixed operating range switches the unit ON at 2ºC and OFF at 5ºC.
PT007L Digital Thermostat
The PT007L thermostat is a DIN rail mounted, digital adjustable thermostat available with two temperature ranges - +5ºC to +35º or +40ºC to + 90ºC.
CT & CT-FL Capillary Thermostats
The CAPSTAT adjustable, ON-OFF capillary thermostats, are available with 3 different output ranges: - 0-40ºC, 20-110º and 20-300ºC. This robust selection of mechanical thermostats include the CT range, for use in safe areas and the CT-FL range that carry full hazardous area certification. (see certificates below)
PMM+ PowerMatch Micro +
The PMM+ is a DIN rail mounted, fully programmable digital controller, for freeze protection, or process heating duties. The "POWERMATCH" principle, developed by Heat Trace, fully optimises the systems heating requirements, resulting in significant energy savings and considerably reduced operating costs.
Guardian Intelligent Heat Tracing Controller (GRD)
Guardian is a DIN rail mounted, computer assisted energy management and auditing system for large or critical heat tracing installations, where optimum safety, energy efficiency, system integrity or system life is desirable. Guardian is compatible with plant DCS and SCADA systems.
Product and Application Datasheets