Smokemaster C-12
From Our Line of Electronic Air Cleaners
The Smokemaster C-12 is an ideal electronic air cleaner for mounting to solid ceilings for capture of both particulate and gaseous contaminants, particularly from cigarette smoke. This is one of the best air cleaners for the removal of odors and tobacco smoke, as well as pollen, dust, vapors and many other irritants. The Smokemaster C-12 electronic air cleaneruses high efficiency electrostatic cells which eliminates the need to purchase additional air filters. Designed with the user in mind, the 3 speed fan quietly and efficiently cleans an area using the Coanda airflow pattern. Order your Smokemaster C-12 today.
And our equipment is built with high grade components like steel cabinets instead of plastic cabinets and industrial cells instead of residential cells. These are the same components from our industrial product line used for welding smoke and CNC machining.
The X-11Q
From our Line of Cigarette Smoke Filters
The X-11Q cigarette smoke filter is designed to fit inconspicuously into a drop ceiling, replacing a 2′ x 4′ ceiling tile. The X-11Q filters smoke, dust, pollen and many other irritants with up to 99.8% efficiency without the need to replace filters. Designed with the user in mind, the 3 speed fan found on this air cleaner quietly and efficiently cleans an area using the Coanda airflow pattern.
And our equipment is built with high grade components like industrial cells instead of residential cells. These are the same components from our industrial product line used for welding smoke and CNC machining.
EverClear CM-11 Commercial Air Cleaner
From our line of HEPA air cleaners
The EverClear is the ultimate HEPA air cleaner for a restaurant, bingo hall, bar or other commercial application where indoor air pollution is a concern. The EverClear captures both particulate and gaseous contaminants while remaining hidden installed in a false ceiling. The EverClear air cleaner removes odors, tobacco smoke, pollen, dust, vapors and many other irritants.
And our equipment is built with high grade components like industrial cells instead of residential cells. These are the same components from our industrial product line used for welding smoke and CNC machining.
The XJ - 2 HEPA Air Cleaner
For Filtration in Hospital & Healthcare Settings
HEPA Air Cleaners for the Home
If you’re looking for a HEPA air cleaner for residential use please see our industrial strength Miracle Air PM-400UV HEPA Air Purifier.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has published “Interim Guidance for Infection Control for Care of Patients with Confirmed or Suspected Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection in a Healthcare Setting, April 24, 2009 21:00 EDT.”
This on-line document can be accessed at and reads as follows:
“Infection Control of Ill Persons in a Healthcare Setting Patients with suspected or confirmed case-status should be placed in a single-patient room with the door kept closed. If available, an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) with negative pressure air handling with 6 to 12 air changes per hour can be used. Air can be exhausted directly outside or be recirculated after filtration by a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. For suctioning, bronchoscopy, or intubation, use a procedure room with negative pressure air handling.”
The XJ-2 quickly and easily converts ordinary patient care rooms into negative pressure isolation rooms. The XJ-2 is HEPA-filtered and available from Air Quality Engineering. The XJ-2 complies with the above guidance from the CDC.
For air purification, the XJ-2 is the quietest medical-grade room HEPA air cleaner available that is suitable for hospitals, extended-care facilities, nursing homes and institutional use. This is also a great unit for asthma patient rooms. Optional digital room pressure monitor gives the CDC specified position certification that negative pressure in the isolation room is maintained. The XJ-2 air filtration system is independently lab tested and certified as a whole air cleaner to a minimum of 99.97% efficiency. This is especially important as simply installing a HEPA air filter into an air cleaner cabinet cannot guarantee HEPA performance as penetrations into the air cleaner cabinet, leaks around doors and the integrity of the HEPA seal itself must all be taken into consideration and tested to guarantee performance. Make sure to ask whether the air cleaner was HEPA tested as a whole before purchasing!